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Bridge City Public Library

Library Policies

The following policies govern how we use our library.


  1. Library cards will be given free of charge to any citizen having reached a fifth birthday living in the state of Texas.
  2. Library membership will be canceled after a period of three years if the patron has not used the library card in that time period. These patron’s records will be kept for five years from their initial membership, after which they will be destroyed unless there is a fine exceeding $10 or there are lost materials still checked out.
  3. A non-refundable charge of $5.00 will be assessed to replace each lost, stolen or misplaced library card.
  4. The library card must be presented before a patron can check out library materials.
  5. All library materials except DVDs will be checked out for two weeks. Materials can be renewed once if no reserve is placed on items.
  6. DVDs will be checked out for two working days. DVDs cannot be renewed. (See DVD Policy.)
  7. Fees of five cents per working day will be accessed to all late library materials except DVDs which will be $1.00 per working day. Borrowing privileges will be canceled after a total fee of $10 is owed in fines or lost or damaged materials.
  8. Notices of all non-returned library materials shall be sent out periodically.
  9. After being notified, a patron has two working days to check out a reserved material before it is placed back in the circulating collection.
  10. All periodicals will circulate except for the most current issue and the ones placed in the archival collection.
  11. Check out restrictions shall be placed on new members on their first visit. Restrictions will be one DVD per family and two library material per patron.
  12. Check out restrictions on all patrons will include:

(1)   Three DVDs per family.

(2)   Three audiobooks per patron or a total of six per family.

Patron Policy

In order to allow all patrons of the Bridge City Public Library to have full and safe use of all library facilities, the City Council of Bridge City has adopted the following rules and regulations. Any act that is in violation of the laws of Texas or the City of Bridge City ordinances is expressly forbidden in the library.

 The basic purposes of this policy is to protect the public’s access to library facilities and materials, insure safety of patrons and staff, and to protect the library’s resources and facilities.

 Public Property

    1. Patrons will handle all library materials, furnishings, buildings, grounds and equipment in a safe manner to ensure that no intentional damage occurs.
    2. Patrons will provide restitution for any damage that occurs.

 Rights of Others

    1. Patrons will respect the rights of others to be able to use the library in a friendly, safe environment by following acceptable, courteous public behavior.
    2. Acceptable behavior which we encourage includes: low noise level including using cell phones in the lobby when requested to do so; courteous behavior towards others in speech and actions; eating, drinking and smoking outside of the library building; wearing shoes in the building, and caring for personal hygiene so as not to be offensive to others.
    3. Of special interest are our youngest patrons. Since no child is safe unattended in a public place, we discourage leaving children in the library without a responsible adult present.

 Violation of rules

    1. The library may exclude from use or revoke borrowing privileges for anyone known to have violated any rule in this policy.
    2. The City of Bridge City Police will be notified of any serious behaviors or laws being broken.

 Patron Communication

    1. Patrons are encouraged to comment on library service or make suggestions for improvement to staff and Advisory Board members.

The Advisory Board meets on the third Thursday of each month at the library. Visitors are welcome.

  A maximum of nine non-DVD items per patron.



 The Bridge City Public Library provides access to the Internet and other electronic resources as part of its mission:  “…to be a community library serving as a lifelong learning, information and entertainment resource center.” These resources are available in our facility as well as through remote access. The Library has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for it s content. Individuals must accept responsibility for evaluating content. As with other library materials, the Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents or guardians to guide, determine, and monitor their children’s use of the Internet.


 Since there is no regulatory control of the Internet, The Bridge City Public Library cannot be responsible for the content of information available. Users are responsible for evaluating the sources providing the information as to its accuracy. The user should be aware that some information may be inaccurate, outdated or offensive. Where the resources are utilized by minors, the parent or guardian, not the Library, is responsible for evaluation of information. The computers may not be used for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes. Patrons may not send, receive or display text or graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene.

 The Library seeks to protect the First Amendments Rights of its patrons and their individual right to privacy. Users should be aware, however, that computers are located in public areas, and the viewing screens are subject to view by other library users and staff. The Library endorses standards of intellectual freedom, privacy and confidentiality as set forth by the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights.

 All users of Internet services agree to hold harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, obligations or liabilities directly or indirectly relating to the use of the Internet. In no event shall the Bride City Public Library have any liability for lost profits or for indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages or any liability to any third party, even if the Bridge City Public Library is advised of the damage.


The Bridge City Public Library cannot control and has no responsibility for the content or accuracy of information accessed over the Internet. Children under the age of 16 must have a parent or guardian present to access the Internet. Children under the age of 16 may work with available library staff to use the Internet for research or school assignments.

 Patrons using the Internet must abide by the Library’s Internet Use Policy and Guidelines and the Computer Use Procedures. Failure to comply with these instructions will result in patrons being required to disconnect from the Internet.

Patron Use

  • Patrons must have a current Bridge City Public Library card in good standing.
  • Use of computers will be on a first-com first-served basis. Computers will be turned off ten minutes before closing.
  • Patrons are allowed 30 minute sessions if others are waiting. Once another patron requests access, current user has 5 minutes to relinquish computer.
  • Computers are intended to be used by one person. If others work with user and disruptions occur, non-users must leave the computer.
  • Charges for printing will be ten cents for black and white and twenty five cents for color per page.


  • Patrons may not view or print sexually explicit materials.
  • Patrons my not alter, damage, abuse or sabotage computer equipment or software, or alter configurations.
  • Patrons may not use any Library terminal for illegal purposes, or violate licensing agreements and copyright laws.
  • Patrons may not use Library terminals for any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating or hostile environment. 

Patron Responsibility

Any repairs due to malicious destruction of equipment or software will be the financial responsibility of the user who causes the problem.

  Internet Use Guidelines

 The public library, unlike schools, does not serve in loco parentis (in place of a parent). Staff personnel cannot act in the place of parents in providing constant care and supervision of children as they explore the Internet. The responsibility for what minors read or view on the Internet rests with parents or guardians. The following guidelines are considered acceptable use of the Library’s computers:

 Patrons must agree to abide by the Bridge City Public Library’s Internet Use Policy and Computer Use Procedures.

  • The Internet can be utilized only for legal activities. Copyright laws and licensing agreements must be respected.
  • Personal information (name, address, password, telephone number, credit card number, etc.) should never be given out on the Internet.
  • Illegal acts involving Library computing resources may be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.
  • Any repair due to malicious destruction of equipment will be the financial responsibility of the user who caused the problem.